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Wish to become a sponsor?
GOC Toronto Chapter welcomes any involvement from community and business partners. For more information, contact:

There are numerous people who help out Guardians of the Children Toronto on a regular basis. We could not do what we do without your willing hearts and compassion. Thank you for your support!

Terez Leather

Thank you for your continued support in making sure all our members patches and Little Guardians Patches are properly placed.

Dominos Pizza – Willowdale

Special Thank you to Mike for making sure all our Little Guardians Heads stayed warm this winter with the purchase of Toques for all.

Fast Mask

Special thank you to Allan for supplying fast masks to help keep our Lil Guardians warm while enjoying a ride!

Rider Training Institute

Rider Training Institute
Thank you for your donation of a Technical Skills Course to be used at our upcoming fundraiser.

Terry’s Overhead Doors

A big thank you for the donation of a kids electric guitar for our April 14th Fundraiser.

West Rouge Community Group

A Special thank you to the West Rouge Community Support who reached deep into their pockets to make sure all our Little Guardians had that special gift for Christmas.

Living Room Community Arts Studio

Thank you for allowing our Little Guardians to express themselves through their creative works.

The Rockpile

A big Thank You to Dom and The Rockpile staff for hosting our monthly meetings and special events.

Policaro Harley Davidson

What an awesome group of people! Thanks to Jessica and Teri for working with us towards a successful swap meet this June!

The Riders Mag

Kudos to Critter for keeping The Riders Mag alive and kicking and for hosting a special Show and Shine at our May 4th Swap Meet at Policaro Harley.

Organizing Toronto

A heartfelt Thank You goes out to Andrew Neary for his continuing support of our families and his deep consideration for the environment. Your efforts are very much appreciated!